14 October 2013

Learning English in the new century

I was seven when I started learning English. It was the second year of Primary School and the only thing that I knew about that was the expression "English pitinlisgh".We just had a notebook where we sticked a few song such as "Elephant" and some rituals.

During the Primary School, the only thing we had learnt was a really repetitive vocabulary (numbers, letters, parts of the body, colours ...) and really basic English. We didn't learnt grammar in that period of time, so when we spoke we just repeated what the teacher had said. At the last years, we had also had Arts in English, but we didn't learn so much even there. 

When I got to the Secondary School, I didn't know how to formulate a correct sentence because I had never learnt grammar before. I understood all the teachers said to me, but spoke really badly, and my teacher suggested me to go to English classes outside school. I was 13 when I started in an English Academy. I spend all my summer going everyday to that classes, and I have to say, that I had learnt more in that month that in six years. I started with a bit of grammar  (present and past) and a extend my vocabulary.

Back at the school, I noticed that I could have a conversation with my teacher at class so I saw that English was useful and it really likes me. At the third level of secondary school, we started with grammar. My classmates, who had never went to English classes outside school, where really lost because everything was new for them; there were not more songs or more boring expositions about volcanoes or planets.

When I get to the high school, more known as Instituto, my experience was really bad. I had a really awful teacher, whose pronunciation was worst than mine. I didn't learn anything there, and, in my opinion, we lost most of our knowledge. The only thing the teacher had in her mind was that horrible exam called Selectividad. All we had done was only the preparation for that exam, so, we didn't learn anything special, useful or interesting about the English language.

I might say that   it has been this year when I have taken pleasure to English, more exactly when I spent three weeks in London learning it. During that weeks, I have met lots of people from different parts of the globe and now they are really good friends. We have to communicate in English and it's incredible how awesome could that be. It is not only that, during my stay with a real English family I had learnt a lot and I really feel that all of the years that I have been learning are useful because I could have real talk with them.

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